Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement - latest information.

Please note: the Net Zero Calculator is currently under Beta testing. Please feedback so we can continue to improve the experience.

Net Zero Calculator

Step 1: Working out your business emissions

First, we need some information about your business type and size – and the fuels you use and carbon-emitting activities you do – to calculate your likely emissions and carbon costs. If you don’t have all the information to hand, you can save your progress and come back at a later date to add more.

Choose which Scope 1 (direct emissions) and Scope 2 (purchased energy) emissions you want to include in your calculation.

What scope 1 emissions sources can you provide data for?

What scope 2 emissions sources can you provide data for?

You can include travel in both company-owned vehicles and expensed mileage in employee-owned vehicles in this section.

Select Employee mileage expensed to enter expensed mileage

Select Business travel in a company owned vehicle to enter business travel details

Select Refrigerants to enter refrigerants consumption

Select Fugitive emissions / other processes to enter fugitive emissions / other processes consumption

This section also assesses the potential scope for on-site renewable energy generation.

0 yrs

Select Purchased electricity to enter electricity consumption

0 %

Select Purchased heat to enter purchased heat consumption

Select Purchased steam to enter steam processes consumption

Step 2: Your Initial Results

Your business’s estimated emissions and carbon costs from now to 2050 are illustrated right**. If you haven’t completed all the questions asked, you can save your progress (just fill in the form below) and then come back to add more information at a later date.

Save your calculation (optional)

To save your calculations so you can access and add to them in the future, please key in your business contact details below.

Next Step: Select Net Zero Technologies

Respecting your data
Please be assured we will keep confidential any commercial or financial information about your business that you provide to us to prepare your report, as well as any information contained in your report, unless we obtain your prior consent.*


Step 3: Select Net Zero Technologies

The next step is to calculate the potential impact of the various actions you can take to reduce your emissions. To do this, select options from the following net-zero technologies.

Optimising energy use via accurate monitoring and operation, technology upgrades (including lighting and refrigeration), insulation and behavioural change

Do you currently utilise energy efficiency solutions?

Please continue the form to update charts

Scope 1 Emissions

0 tCO2e

Scope 2 Emissions

0 tCO2e

Total Emissions

0 tCO2e

Scope 1 Emissions (with solutions)

0 tCO2e

Scope 2 Emissions (with solutions)

0 tCO2e

Total Emissions (with solutions)

0 tCO2e

Total Emissions ?

0 tC02e

The total estimated emissions including both scope 1 and 2.

Cost of Carbon ?


The estimated cost to your business of these emissions over time.

Total Emissions (with solutions)

0 tC02e

The total estimated emissions including both scope 1 and 2.

Cost of Carbon (with solutions)


The estimated cost to your business of these emissions over time.

Emissions Breakdown

Emissions Breakdown

Your current site

Please fill out more questions to generate chart data.

Your net zero timeline

Select a Net Zero Technology to create your timeline

* Please note that this assurance will not prevent any disclosures required by law, regulation or the energy market regulator, or our use of your personal data in line with our Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy sets out the ways in which we use personal data that you (or any third party) provide to us, along with our legal basis for such use. You can view the current version here.

** Please note, the forecasts we provide are an indicative view based on the information you’ve given us and the latest industry, scientific and government-approved carbon emissions and cost data.† Forecasts of carbon-emissions savings for the featured net-zero technologies are generated from industry averages. Actual deployment may therefore vary considerably. If you are looking for a fully-verified forecast, we advise you to engage a specialist to conduct a thorough energy and carbon audit of your operations.

Sources include BEIS, DEFRA, The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, Applied Energy journal, MyCarbon and others.

Understanding emissions: Scopes 1, 2 and 3

For reporting purposes, emissions are divided into different categories: Scope 1, 2 and 3. When embarking on a net zero journey, most businesses initially focus on Scope 1 and 2 emissions, as these are easier to quantify.

Scope 1

Scope 1 covers the emissions which your business produces directly from your operations and activities. This includes any emissions from fuels burnt on-site for operations; the use of refrigerants, gases and certain chemicals in business processes; mileage in fleet vehicles; and work-related travel in employee-owned vehicles.

Scope 2

Scope 2 encompasses the purchased energy your business uses – electricity, gas and/or steam.

Scope 3

Scope 3 then covers all the indirect emissions connected to your business activities and value chain. These include ‘upstream’ emissions from the goods or services your business purchases, and ‘downstream’ emissions from the goods and services you produce once they leave your business’s ownership or control (for example, how your goods are recycled or disposed of). For more information on Scope 3, watch our webinar.

Net zero in action

See what other businesses are doing to plot their own path to net zero.


Expert support from low-carbon specialists

Our team are here to help you, whether you want to conduct a full-site audit to determine your current carbon and energy status and identify the best cost and emissions-saving opportunities, or you want to explore the deployment of specific technologies, or the creation or refinement of a full net zero strategy. Please share your contact details and we will be in touch.

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Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9am-5 pm
Wednesday 9am-5pm
(Customer Services 9am-12.30pm)
Friday 9am-4.30pm
Excluding public holidays.

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