Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement - latest information.

What is a Smart meter?

Simple icon of a meter

A Smart meter is a gas or electricity meter that automatically sends meter readings to your energy supplier using technology similar to that used in mobile phones. This allows for accurate invoicing without the need for manual readings or visits from a meter reader.

Simple network icon

The latest generation of Smart meters is known as SMETS2. The great thing about SMETS2 meters is that they keep working even if you switch energy suppliers – so you don't have to worry if you have a SMETS2 Smart meter that a different supplier installed.


A SMETS2 meter can transmit Half-Hourly (HH) data to the Data Communications Company (DCC) through a communications hub. The DCC oversees a secure wireless network that connects Smart meters with energy suppliers and network operators.

Once your Smart meter is connected, we'll receive your readings automatically*. This means you won't need to send manual readings and will only be charged for the energy you've used, leading to more accurate invoices.

Please note that to access your HH data or any data that is collected automatically within a month’s frequency, you must provide your consent. To discuss this with us, and to access your consumption data at an HH level, please contact your Customer Relationship Manager or call us on 0800 316 0712.

What are the benefits of using a Smart meter?


Accurate invoices
We’ll use your actual usage to make sure you only pay for the energy you use*
View your usage
To help microbusiness customers better understand their consumption and make informed decisions about their energy supply, we’re making it easier to request your HH information*. If you are not a microbusiness, please get in touch with us using your preferred method so we can discuss your options and enable you to access your HH usage
We’ll take your meter readings for you
As we will be communicating with your Smart meter directly – you can save time by not having to take manual readings every month*
Exchanging to a Smart meter is completely free
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Our Smart meter FAQs

Our team of experts has answered the most common questions we receive.

Read our FAQs

How to read your Smart meter

Not sure which Smart meter you have, or need help taking a reading? Find out here.

Meter read guide

Your Smart meter data choices

Keep reading to learn about the different options available to you and how we protect your data.

Your data choices

Energy efficiency advice

By making thoughtful adjustments, you can optimise energy use, benefitting your budget and improving both performance and environmental impact.

Energy Advice

Your Smart meter data choices

Smart meters can take automated daily and monthly meter readings, and also track consumption data at an HH level.

For now, we will be taking a monthly reading remotely from your Smart meter for invoicing purposes and to meet regulatory requirements. If this changes, we will notify you and let you know your options.

We are also allowed to take ad hoc meter readings to maintain accurate invoicing where we need to send you an invoice after changes to your account, or:

  • If we need to use the data to resolve a query from you, or;
  • If we think your Smart meter has been damaged or compromised in any way

However, if you would like to see your consumption data at an HH level, please contact your Customer Relationship Manager or call us on 0800 316 0712 to discuss what options are available.



You’ll find more information in your supply Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) under the ‘Smart meter’ section. You can also view more information online at

Protecting your data

Please be assured that we’ll take great care of your Smart meter data. Only authorised members of staff who have the relevant permissions, and have received the correct training, will have access to information from your meter.

We’ll only share your details with organisations when required to do so by law, or with companies acting on our behalf. This may include organisations that help us manage your account, or network providers delivering energy to your business. But we expect any third parties who may hold your information on our behalf to apply the same standards to safeguard your information.

If required by law, we may also share your data with the police, or other organisations in the prevention of fraud or as part of a criminal investigation.

For independent advice about your rights and choices relating to how your business information is used, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office at or via the ICO Helpline on 0303 123 1113.

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*As long as your Smart meter is operating and communicating correctly. If there is any fault and/or we’re unable to communicate with your meter, we won’t be able to provide you with this level of insight and there may be a need to arrange for a meter engineer to fix the issue and for manual meter reads to be taken. This may also result in estimated invoicing.

We’re open:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9am-5 pm
Wednesday 9am-5pm
(Customer Services 9am-12.00pm)
Friday 9am-4.30pm
Excluding public holidays.

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