No one would disagree that the energy market is currently a source of stress and uncertainty, particularly for the many businesses struggling to remain competitive in such a challenging environment. 

To provide some insight into the current situation, our recent Energy Insight webinar brought together industry experts to explore what’s likely to happen to energy prices, supply and support this winter including:

  • Guest speaker Kyle Martin, Market Change Delivery Senior Manager from National Grid ESO, who shared insights into the winter outlook for UK energy. He also highlighted the opportunities for businesses to participate in balancing services – and potentially generate some revenue from consumption flexibility
  • The inside track on the government’s latest plans and policies throughout the coming months
  • The key drivers impacting the wholesale energy markets as we go into the winter season, and what businesses should be looking out for
  • The latest on the Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA) and what this is likely to mean for businesses
  • The impact of inflation and higher wholesale costs on the non-commodity charges added to business energy costs – and how this will impact what businesses pay now and over the next 12 months

The recording can be viewed here:


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