Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement - latest information.

Ofgem has introduced new rules to increase liquidity in the wholesale markets and improve access to forward markets for small suppliers.

The "Liquidity in the Wholesale Electricity Market" special licence condition applies to RWE npower as well as the five other largest energy suppliers and the two largest independent generators in the UK. It came into force on 31 March 2014.

Part of this new special licence condition is the "Request for Trading Agreement", which sets out the process for the negotiation of trading agreements with eligible suppliers (known as a Grid Trade Master Agreement, or GTMA). More information, including a list of eligible suppliers, is available on the Ofgem website:

Liquidity in the Wholesale Electricity Market

Should you be an eligible supplier and wish to apply for a GTMA with the RWE Group, please submit the form here.

Upon receipt of the above web form, an application form requesting the following information will then be sent to you by email for completion and return:

  • General counterparty information (full legal entity name, registered address, trading address if different, website)
  • Company information (commercial register number, VAT number, description of nature of business, list of board directors, ultimate beneficial ownership structure, stock exchange upon which company or shareholder entities are listed if relevant)
  • Bank details for trading agreement
  • EMIR and REMIT reporting information (EMIR status, LEI code, ACER code)
  • Approach to generating unique transaction identifier (UTI)
  • UK power scheduling information under BSCP71/01
  • Contact information (trading agreement, confirmations, invoicing, finance, compliance, EMIR and REMIT reporting)
  • Supporting documents: (i) commercial register excerpt or other equivalent document (ii) last two audited financial statements (if available given date of establishment of company) (iii) documents identifying ultimate beneficial ownership

Please note that any missing information will delay the preparation of the trading agreement.

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