Plot your Path to Net Zero
New resources for businesses
If your business is shaping a net zero strategy, we’re here to support you. In the reports and resources below, you’ll find brand new insights into the topics and issues affecting UK businesses as our energy system transforms.
Scroll down to access our pool of resources including sector specific reports, quiz, infographic and blog.

A Focus on Incentives
What incentives do organisations need to increase investment and make bolder strides towards net zero?
Find out the latest views from businesses and industry experts in our report. Plus, uncover how organisations in the manufacturing, transport and public sectors feel about the government incentives that focus on net zero.
Access our new resources below.
DownloadA Focus on Sustainable On-Site Generation
Is the government doing enough to encourage investment in, and remove barriers to, renewable generation?
Find out what businesses and industry experts are saying in our report. Plus, uncover how businesses in the manufacturing, transport and public sectors are approaching on-site generation on the road to net zero.
Access our new resources below.
DownloadA Focus on Solar PV
Should our government incentivise solar photovoltaic (PV) uptake? And how cost-efficient are on-site solar projects right now?
We collated the views gathered from our survey with those of the industry experts and businesses who attended our roundtable. Find out what they believe the future holds for solar PV. Plus, discover how manufacturing and NHS organisations are incorporating solar into their net zero plans.
Access our new resources below.
DownloadA Focus on Funding
Where do UK businesses and industry stakeholders believe funding for net zero infrastructure changes should come from? And how can you access finance for your projects?
Find out what businesses and industry experts are saying in our report. Plus, discover how organisations in the manufacturing, transport and public sectors feel about the funding options available for net zero goals to help achieve their net zero goals.
Access our new resources below.
DownloadYour path to net zero - a focus on incentives
Did you know that most UK businesses believe the government is not providing the right incentives to encourage investment in on-site generation.
Our incentives report and resources provide easy and accessible insight into current views and expert opinions on the present state of government incentives for on-site generation, something that’s crucial to our nation achieving net zero.
Plus, businesses in manufacturing, transport and the public sector can download a more targeted report, including information and statistics related to the most recent developments in on-site generation across their industry. The reports have been designed to help you shape an ambitious and practical decarbonisation strategy for your own business.
Stay ahead, with the latest net zero insight
Simply provide a few details to request our net zero reports - and be among the first to receive the latest insight on the topics affecting your business.
We believe businesses should have a voice on the issues affecting them as our energy infrastructure transforms.
Our net zero reports and resources are the result of our recent surveys, roundtables and consultations with UK businesses and industry experts across all sectors. We’ve collated their ideas, concerns and insight to provide guidance as you plot your own path to net zero.
Plot Your Path to Net Zero - A Focus On Sustainable On-Site Generation
Did you know that 50% of businesses have already invested - or are planning to invest - in on-site generation?
Our report and resources provide easy and accessible insight into current views and expert opinions on the present state of on-site generation. There are also some useful statistics and well-informed predictions to help you shape an ambitious and practical decarbonisation strategy for your own business.
Plus, organisations in the manufacturing, transport and public sectors can download a more targeted report, including information and statistics related to the most recent developments in on-site generation across their industry.
Stay ahead, with the latest net zero insight
Simply provide a few details to access any or all of our new net zero reports - including future reports as soon as they are released - and be among the first to receive the latest insight on the net zero topics affecting your business.
We believe businesses should have a voice on the issues affecting them as our energy infrastructure transforms.
Our net zero reports and resources are the result of our recent surveys, roundtables and consultations with UK businesses and industry experts across all sectors. We’ve collated their ideas, concerns, and insight to provide guidance as you plot your own path to net zero.
Plot Your Path to Net Zero - A Focus on Solar PV
Did you know that solar photovoltaic (PV) is the most popular choice of renewables technology for on-site generation among UK businesses?
Our solar PV report and resources provide easy and accessible insight into current views and expert opinions on the present state of solar PV as a power source for the UK’s businesses. There are also some useful statistics and well-informed predictions for the future of solar power, to help you shape an ambitious and practical decarbonisation strategy for your own business.
Plus, businesses in the manufacturing sector and NHS organisations will be able to download a more targeted report, including information and statistics related to the most recent developments in on-site generation across their industry.
Plot your path to net zero - a focus on funding
Did you know that access to funding is one of the major barriers to business investment in on-site generation? Yet it’s crucial to our nation achieving net zero.
Our funding report and resources provide easy and accessible insight into current views and expert opinions on the present state of funding for renewables projects, as more businesses set their sights on net zero.
Plus, businesses in the manufacturing, transport and public sectors can download a more targeted report, including information and statistics related to the most recent developments in funding across their industry. The reports have been designed to help you shape an ambitious and practical decarbonisation strategy for your own business.
Stay ahead, with the latest net zero insight
Simply provide a few details to pre-register for our new net zero reports - and be among the first to receive the latest insight on the net zero topics affecting your business.
We believe businesses should have a voice on the issues affecting them as our energy infrastructure transforms.
Our net zero reports and resources are the result of our recent surveys, roundtables and consultations with UK businesses and industry experts across all sectors. We’ve collated their ideas, concerns and insight to provide guidance as you plot your own path to net zero.
Test your net zero knowledge: incentives
How much do you know about the incentives available to help your business plot a path to net zero? Test your knowledge with our 60 second quiz!
Q1. What percentage of businesses say they don’t believe that recent government policies offer enough incentives for them to invest in decarbonisation?
Please select one:
Q2. True or False, over 50% of businesses have already taken advantage of recent government initiative schemes, such as the Renewable Heat Incentive or Feed-in Tariff scheme.
Please select one:
Q3. In ‘Greening the Tax System’, the CBI recently called for an overhaul of the UK’s tax system to reward and incentivise corporate behaviour that reduces pollution. What percentage of businesses would welcome this approach?
Please select one:
Q4. According to the CBI, what kind of approach should the government take to tax incentives for decarbonisation?
Please select one:
Q5. In the Spring Budget, the Chancellor introduced a new ‘super-deduction’ tax incentive. How many businesses said they would consider using this to enable investment in ‘green’ plant equipment?
Please select one:
Q6. How much does the super deduction tax incentive allow businesses to cut their tax bill by, when they invest in qualifying machinery and assets?
Please select one:
Q7. When asked where more incentives were needed for them to invest in decarbonisation, what was the top answer from businesses?
Please select one:
Q8. The Climate Change Levy (CCL) is designed to encourage businesses to be more energy efficient in how they operate. By how much could a business reduce their CCL payment on electricity invoices, if they hold a Climate Change Agreement (CCA) and meet pre-agreed carbon reduction targets?
Please select one:
- Results - / Try Again
- Results - / Try Again
- Results - / Not Great
- Results - / Room for Improvement
- Results - / Could do Better
- Results - / Good
- Results - / Well Done
- Results - / Great Work
- Results - / Excellent
Thank you for taking part in our game!
You can find out more about plotting your path to net zero, and how incentives could help boost your business’ sustainability progress (and bottom line), by downloading our new guide now.
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Test your net zero knowledge: on-site generation
How much do you know about on-site generation and the benefits it can bring to your business? Test your knowledge with our 60 second quiz!
Q1. According to npower Business Solutions’ 2020 study, Your Business Blueprint - The Road to Net Zero’, how many businesses said they had already invested - or were planning to invest - in on-site generation?
Please select one:
Q2. Which of the following on-site energy sources has the best average payback in years?
Please select one:
Q3. According to Solar Energy UK, solar PV can be found on how many buildings in the UK?
Please select one:
Q4. According to the most recent PwC / Energy UK B2B Survey, how many industrial businesses still expect to be fully reliant on the grid for all their supply in the next five years?
Please select one:

Q5. Corporate Power Purchase Agreements (CPPAs) are proving a popular way for businesses to secure energy supply from a renewable source. How much power are corporate deals already accounting for in the UK?
Please select one:
Q6. One of the benefits of on-site generation is enhanced reputation. True or False: according to a survey, 50% of people say they only buy products from brands that try to be eco-friendly?
Please select one:
Q7. Solar PV can help reduce energy bills, but how does it compare to purchasing from the grid (based on the lifetime cost per kWh of electricity)?
Please select one:
Q8. Wind power is considered one of the best forms of renewable generation thanks to the UK’s favourable weather conditions. Approximately how much carbon dioxide could one 3MW wind turbine operating at 30% capacity displace over a year?
Please select one:
- Results - / Try again
- Results - / Try again
- Results - / Not great
- Results - / Room for improvement
- Results - / Could do better
- Results - / Good
- Results - / Well done
- Results - / Great work
- Results - / Excellent!
Thank you for taking part in our game!
You can find out more about plotting your path to net zero, and where on-site generation could fit into your business’ sustainability plans, by downloading our new report now.
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Please select one:
Please select one:
Please select one:
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Test your net zero knowledge: funding
How much do you know about how UK businesses are funding decarbonisation and what options are available to you?
Test your knowledge with our 60 second quiz.
Q1. According to our’ 2021 study, ‘Plot Your Path to Net Zero: A Focus on Funding’, what percentage of businesses are concerned or very concerned about the cost impact of funding net zero?
Please select one:

Q2. When asked whether the most recent government policies -including the Ten Point Plan, Energy White Paper and Industrial Decarbonisation Strategy - offer enough incentives to invest in decarbonisation, 75% of businesses said no.
Please select one:

Q3. When we asked a panel of energy industry experts ‘who will fund net zero?’, what did they say?
Please select one:

Q4. When we asked businesses which group they believed should contribute the majority of funding for the net zero transition, what was the top answer?
Please select one:

Q5. A large majority of UK businesses believe that financial institutions will play a vital role in supporting businesses to fund the net zero transition.
Please select one:

Q6. The majority of businesses currently use business loans to finance energy efficiency and sustainability projects.
Please select one:

Q7. What percentage of annual turnover do most businesses expect to assign to funding sustainability?
Please select one:

Q8. How much funding does the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) say it has available to help UK businesses become greener and to support their net zero journeys?
Please select one:

Q9. Most UK businesses believe that the National Infrastructure Bank’s initial £12 billion capitalisation is enough to spur investment from organisations in low-carbon measures.
Please select one:

Q10. The majority of businesses agree that the climate benefits of funding decarbonisation plans far outweigh the potential cost impact.
Please select one:
- Results - / Try again
- Results - / Try again
- Results - / Room for improvement
- Results - / Room for improvement
- Results - / Could do better
- Results - / Could do better
- Results - / Good
- Results - / Well done
- Results - / Great work
- Results - / Excellent
Thank you for taking part in our game!
You can find out more about planning your road to net zero, and where funding could fit into your business’ sustainability plans, by downloading our new guide now.