Energy news and insights - npower Business Solutions

How we source and generate energy matters more than ever

Written by Ben Whitelam | 02/03/2023


Energy is barely out of the headlines these days – whether it’s about the cost of power or gas, supply issues with energy commodities, or the risk of possible blackouts. And then of course, there’s our national goal to reduce emissions to net zero by 2050.

Never before have circumstances signalled such a pressing need for the UK to have a clear strategy to navigate the way forward.

Key to understand the current situation

But before taking a view on what we should invest in – and how to make the best transition to more cost effective, secure and sustainable energy – it’s important to first understand where we are now, and how we got here. 

Our new simplified report: Focus on UK Energy Supply, explains how the UK sources and generates gas and power – and how this impacts the price we pay. You can view a free copy here.

In this succinct, easy-to-read format, you can find out more about:

  • The changing mix of energy generation in the UK 
  • The shift from fossil fuels to renewables 
  • Why our dependency on gas remains 
  • Why we are heading for a shortfall in low-carbon nuclear 
  • The growing role of interconnectors 

And we explore the burning question: why, despite the growth in renewables, are energy prices so high? 

We recognise that business consumers want and need to understand the energy market that supplies us all with such an essential commodity. 

So as part of our goal to ‘make energy simple’ (or at least easier to understand!), we’ll also be bringing further reports that look at the drivers behind wholesale energy prices, and explain the growing raft of non-commodity costs that impact the final invoiced price.

In the meantime, if you need any further information or support, please do contact your Account Manager or Client Lead (existing customers). Or get in touch here